
Cough Drops

immunity defense.

Anatomy of a Cough Drop

Have you ever wondered what was in a cough drop?  You will be surprised to hear that a cough drop is very similar to a piece of hard candy.  It is made up of many of the same ingredients, including sugar, corn syrup, dyes, flavors, and colors.  This is why medicated cough drops may have added benefits, such as adding Vitamin C or zinc that can help fight off colds and boost the immune system.

Types of Cough Drops

As mentioned in this guide, there are many different types of cough drops available, such as those that are packed with immunity boosting vitamins,and different flavors including N'ice. * Fast Acting Cough Drops: Work within 10 seconds to relieve cough and throat irritations. * Sugar Free Cough Drops:  Relieves symptoms within 10 seconds without the sugar. * Cough Drops with Syrup Center: This icy center releases fast acting menthol. * Refreshing Cough Drops: Moisture acting to leave your mouth feeling refreshed. * Defense Cough Drops: Contains 100% daily value of Vitamin C.

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