
Ergonomic Mouse

The primary design element of truly ergonomic mice is to rotate your hand 45 or more degrees to alleviate strain on your forearms.  This has led to a number of different variations to combat the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). * Common options are otherwise normal mice with some extra padding to make them lopsided. The likely benefit of these is minimal but they are the most familiar to users and are often bought for their looks rather than functionality. * More creative styles look more like a joystick but some doctors have complained that they can cause too much pressure on the thumb. * One compromise is a keyboards exist that move the keypad to the left side or simply removes it in favor of a more compact shape, interestingly these have all been flat and none that follow any other ergonomic contours. Other manufacturers may label standard two or three button mice as ergonomic, but those typically only refer to a smooth surface and aesthetics, unless compared to now antiquated boxy designs from 20+ years ago.