
Martial Arts Weapons Buying Guide

Most martial arts weapons require special training to handle them. Be sure to buy the weapon you are trained for or are training to use. Remember, hether it is a seemingly harmless safety and responsible handling is paramount. 

Common Martial Arts Swords and Blades

There is wide range of swords under unique names depending in the length of the blade, length of the handle, shape of the blade, number of blades, and number of sharpened edges, and, of course, depending on the type of martiats that you pracice. * The short Tanto sword are swords traditional used in Japanese culture. * Bokken swords, essentially heavy wood swords modeled after a real katana, is are used as training swords. Make no mistake, a strike from this sword can still inflict painful or fatal injury. * Kendo, a form of Japanaese fencing meaning 'way of the sword,' uses a shinai, a bamboo sword. *WuShu. *Chinese martial arts which has two crescent shaped blades crisscrossing one another to form four pointed edges. * Nunchucks  are two wooden or metal handles attached with a chain. * Instead of real rattans smak sticks are safe weapons used during practice. This helps beginners to overcome their anxiety over martial arts weapons. * Foam escrimasare safe and can be used for training. * Now sword like weaponry of daito and youth shoko are available in hardwood to prevent severe injures during self defense. * All the martial arts weapons mentioned above are also avalable in safe materials and modes for children and for practice.

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