

Growing up vegetarian means many things; being alternately jealous of/grossed out by your cousin's juicy hamburger at the family Fourth of July picnic; the notion of marinated tempeh as comfort food; and being the only kid on your school bus who knew about, and wheat grass supplement that contains spirulina.


There are many different ways to take spirulina; you can swallow a flakes into a bowl of soup or cereal. Since spirulina is so easily digested by the body, you can take it with every meal and give your body a boost of energy and support throughout the day. Here are some popular brands and formulations of spirulina. 


* Hawaiian Spirulina, 200 tablets at 500 mg * Source Naturals Spirulina, 200 tablets at 500 mg * Organic Spirulina, 100 tablets at 500 mg


* Earthrise Spirulina Greens Blend, 240 capsules * Earthrise Nutritionals Spirulina, 360 capsules * Earthrise Spirulina, 180 capsules


* Organic Spirulina Powder, 1/2 lb * Source Naturals Spirulina Powder, 16 oz * Nutrex Pacifica Spirulina Powder, 16 oz

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