

The fluoride and xylitol to prevent (or get rid of) gingivitis, thus keeping your teeth healthy. Every year more and more toothpastes hit the market promising whiter, stronger, less sensitive teeth, and a host of other great effects. So how do you choose just one out of the millions? Do you want whiter teeth, fresher breath, both...?  There's a toothpaste for almost every desire; some toothpastes are made with charcoal toothpaste! Hopefully the suggestions below will help you find the perfect brand. 

Popular Types of Toothpastes

Brush Up!

Now that you've picked out the perfect toothpaste, it's time to brush! Below, a few helpful hints for keeping those pearly whites clean, even when you're not brushing. * Hold your toothbrush at a 45° angle when cleaning so you can make contact with the tooth surface and the gumline. * Don't forget that brushing behind your teeth is just as important as brushing the front. * Maintaining a healthy diet can cause less plaque build-up on your teeth. This means avoiding foods that contain sucrose (sugar) and maintaining a regular intake of calcium for strong teeth. * Pregnant? Start drinking your milk now! Eating right can help to ensure your baby's teeth will be healthy. * If you have young children, make sure you supervise them as they are brushing their teeth and flossing. This will help them build better tooth care practices that will hopefully carry on into adulthood.

Dental Products

Here are some other products that will help to keep your teeth and gums healthy and looking pretty, too!

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