
Baking Pans

Baking a casserole, dessert, or catering an event all have one thing in common: sets, and are an essential part of a well stocked kitchen.  With a multitude of styles and patterns you are sure to find several to suit your taste.

Aluminum Baking Pans

Things to consider when buying aluminum baking pans: * Aluminum baking pans conduct heat rapidly and distribute it evenly. * Aluminum insulated baking pans help reduce burning by slowing the browning process. * Aluminum cake pans come in various shapes, sizes, and gauges. * Aluminum mini pans are great for muffins, miniature pies, and party foods.   * Aluminum covered baking pans are convenient for baking, storing, and transporting.      

Stoneware Baking Pans

Stoneware pans enable you to bake, serve, and store in the same dish.  * Stoneware baking pans are also referred to as casserole dishes. * Most stoneware pieces come with lids. * Stoneware souffle pans come in varying sizes for individual servings, or family sized meals.    * Stoneware baking pans make a stand to protect your tabletop.

Specialty Baking Pans

Specialty baking pans are a great addition to your baking collection.   * Specialty pans are sometimes called baking molds. * They are great for age appropriate birthday cakes, and parties. * Consider a one piece mini tier baking pan for baking beautiful centerpieces. * Specialty baking pans also come in bundt form.  Some choices are stadiums, and even giant doughnuts.   * Specialty baking pans are also good for baking breads.

Cast Iron Baking Pans

Cast Iron has been prized in the kitchen for hundreds of years.  * Cast iron baking pans can last a lifetime. * Purchase them unseasoned, prepans'>enamel coated. * Cast iron heats quickly and retains heat long after being removed from the oven. * Cast iron should be hand washed and dried immediately after use.    

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