

''Note: This article refers to Lglutamine. The FDA does not test all dietary supplements. You should consult your physician before adding any new supplements to your diet. To read what the National Institute of Health say about glutamine go here.'' If you’re only going to have one supplement in your medicine chest, look into finding a good multivitamin –glutamine would make a great companion.

Why L-glutamine?

* L-glutamine is one of the most abundant and versatile amino acids and it's used in a variety of functions throughout the body. The intestines and immune system, particularly, use it extensively to maintain optimal performance. * It is crucial element in protein metabolism, making it very important for athletes. * Lglutamine stored in the muscle cells. * In Europe, it is commonly given to trauma patients in hospitals.

General Benefits

* Improves athletic performance. * Improves brain functioning. * Stabilizes blood sugar. * Helps the heart function. * Strengthens the immune system. * Maintains the health and functioning of the gut lining. * Decreases alcohol cravings. * Decreases sugar cravings. * Helps with wound healing. * Helps maintain proper acid/alkaline balance. * Possible cancer benefits.

Benefits for Athletes

* L-glutamine supplementation is an important element in muscle building rather than deterioration. * Following an intense workout L-glutamine levels in the body are reduced by as much as 50%. * Supplementation can minimize the breakdown of muscle tissue and improve protein metabolism. * Catabolism, or muscle break down, occurs when the body robs muscles of L-glutamine for use elsewhere maintaining the immune system. * L-glutamine also works as a cell volumizer, making muscles appear fuller and more defined. * Lhormone levels in the body.

Side Effects

* There are few side effects associated with L-glutamine. * Reports of an upset stomach are associated with ingesting large does L-glutamine. * Allergic reaction: Itching or hives, swelling in your face or hands, swelling or tingling in your mouth or throat, chest tightness, trouble breathing. * Fever, chills, cough, sore throat, and body aches. * Swelling in your face, hands, ankles, or feet.


* BSN * CytoSport * Prolab * Xyience

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