


If you think Lady GaGa garners plenty of attention, imagine how much you can shock the world dressed in allAdult'>buttons and metal. How would one describe this look? It's kind of like if Thomas Edison had met Billy Idol and Sergeant Pepper at a bar and they traded fashion advice.

Comics/Graphic Novels

The world of comic books just wouldn't be complete if they didn't include this sub1'>Neotopia.

Films and Television

Anime sort of reigns this category. Whether it be television or movies, a huge part of the Steampunk universe is cartoon. You can find titles like Castle in the Sky. One crowning television series is actually live action, titled Return to Oz.


You can't really discuss Steampunk literature without praising authors like Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. They're responsible for this genre's existence because they took a progressive technologyFilippo'>The Steampunk Trilogy.

Video Games

So the genre has been covered pretty much from top to bottom. What else is there to discuss? Video games, obviously! From titles as classic as Final Fantasy IX although they are more based in the Medieval and Industrial Revolution eras.

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