
Weights Buying Guide

Weight training is a necessary fitness regime to be done along with cardiac exercises. Every fitness enthusiast who would like to set up a home gym should check out the different types of weights available.  

Types of Weights

'''Dumbbells: '''Two hand weights connected by a bar are called dumbbells.  '''Barbells: '''When two weight plates are connected by a tube, they are known as barbells. You can either workout using one hand or use both hands when weight training with barbells.   '''Kettle bells: '''Kettle bells have risen in popularity recently. They are spherical structures with a handle. The sphere is filled with sand and the handles are made of metal. They are also known by the name of kettle balls.    '''Medicine bells: '''Medicine bells have a diameter of 20 inches and weigh in the range of one up to eight kilos. Some medicine bells come with handles.  '''Wearable weights: '''wrist weights are popular to burn calories faster and quicken the metabolic rate. They are sometimes in the form of pouches and are made of neoprene and nylon.  '''Inversion tables: '''Inversion tables let you stand upside down and allow blood flow to the brain. This benefits blood circulation to the brain.    '''Weight attachments are extra parts to help a focused exercise regime.  

Different Materials Used

* Iron and steel weights  *  * Leather weights 

Manufacturers of Weights

* Alaska  * Geo  * Zodiac 

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